I have information vegetable, animal, and mineral.
Just got back from playing Here I Stand, a six-player wargame made by GMT. I took the role of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain too, as if either one weren't good enough. After a grueling struggle, I can say with pride that I kept the Turks at bay, humbled France, and put the heretics in their place. All in all, I was quite the enlightened despot.
Wow. My family and I were just discussing the relative merit of games (computer and otherwise) in education, and it seems like several of these would be a great illustration of how to interest students in distant and abstract subject like history (well, it's distant and abstract to me anyway). An article in a (paper-based) magazine I was reading talked as if the idea that so-called traditional classroom teaching styles (teacher in front of blackboard spewing information and chalkdust) don't work was a new and almost radical idea. As if Maria Montessori and others haven't been trying to get that notion across for a hundred years and more. The article talked about the need to get children involved and engaged in their own learning, in this case by using computer games. But honestly, computer games aren't the only way to engage a child. Any game like that, one that requires some knowlege base to be played well, could really be a great feature to our classrooms. Ah... if only I had any desire to be a teacher!
I didn't create the doggie flower arrangements - I'm not that talented. My friend sent pictures of them to me by email. Someone else had done them - they're super cute though, aren't they?
This post made me laugh - you can be so serious sometimes and then others, so silly.
The single game of Matahari (that was it's name right?) taught me more about the history of India in an hour then any other 4 hours of my life.
These games do nothing so well than to expose your ignorance. It's especially good at humiliating your geography prowess.
I never know where these weird cities are. I mean, how am I supposed to find Paris? What the hell. Most of these maps don't even have Mexico on them!
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