Sunday, September 10, 2006

Little Favors

To preserve the sanity of my readers as well as the commentary of an issue of importance, I have made this "throw-away" post for people to indulge in their reciprocal commenting obligations. If you would like to read my long diatribe on torture, you are more than welcome, and to comment as well. But if you would rather avoid the novelette, I have provided this alternative.

Like a Seinfeld episode or The Crying of Lot 49, there's nothing to this post, but even I cannot be insightful all the time.


Anonymous said...

Well Seinfeld did prove that nothing can be just as entertaining.


Bethany said...

Ha! The crying of lot 49! That book made my head hurt. I thoroughly enjoyed it, once I gave up on trying to figure out what it meant!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I learned a lot of valuable lessons from Seinfeld. I learned that fat, bald, and unemployed is no way to go through life. And yet I can't help but love someone like George.

Mary said...

Thanks for the welcoming post. And upon checking out your blog, I learn there is a reciprocal commenting obligation. Good thing I tuned in today. (Gotta learn the blogging etiquette) :)

Matt Kanninen said...

'Seinfield' is just the undistilled form of 'Curb Your Enthusiasm'