Tuesday, July 18, 2006

True love, but for Mr. Kim...

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At a party with some friends, the conversation turned (as it is known to do, on occasion) to considering the relative desireability of female celebrities. I generally abstain from crass descriptions of womanly charms, not from any puritan objections but because I think such behavior is beneath me. Plus, I have issues. Lots of issues.

Anyway, I decided to join this discussion with the observation that Grace Park, Boomer of Battlestar Galactica fame, was quite attractive. Maxim was consulted (through whom's largess I display the above photo) and all agree she had much to commend. But then came the sad refrain from one participant that he would like her more, but he had read on Wikipedia that she was married.

The reliability of Wikipedia aside (I'm no wiki basher, but some of those articles aren't worth the paper they're printed on - and they ain't printed), I thought this was a peculiar objection. Believe it or not, I wasn't on the verge of acquiring her affections, stymied only by matrimonial obligations. I don't know her. I've never met her. Never even seen her in person, and likely never will. When I expressed admiration for her visual charms, it was as an enthusiast of beauty (and, perhaps, for somewhat more base and shallow reasons), not as a potential suitor. Its not as though absent her marriage, Grace would throw herself into my arms.

I understand that fantasy is somewhat more enjoyable if it stays within the bounds of plausability. Perhaps, for my friend, marital status is enough to ruin his fancies. For my own part, it was already more likely that I'd have to fight off a Cylon attack than meet Grace Park for dinner.


babibi said...

i guess i'm not the only night owl.

your friend is right, grace park is married. she said it herself in an interview. if i were a guy, i'd be disappointed too. she's pretty as it is but being a cyclon just puts her over the edge into badass territory.

that deadly combination totally makes up for the fact that she can't really act....

from a fellow grace park/bsg fan.

Lena said...

It is a four year programme (separate from medical school - but quite similar), usually following 4 years of undergrad work (BTW this is in the US. . programmes vary by country)

Leesa said...

You said on my blog, "Women are harsh". That comment really confused me.

jarret said...

Just remember that they look good in a nice light with tons of makeup and a team of stylists.

It is all about how they look after that is defines their looks.

Though beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

When the look wear off though, is there any substance left.

Bethany said...

Yes, she's hot. No, it shouldn't matter in that context whether she's married or not. I'm on your side. People don't make much sense.

Sky said...

I've not seen this show Battlestar Galactica....
Anyways, you're right! Why does marital status matter? Speaking from female perspective, I think some celebs are more attractive if they are good husbands/fathers. I guess men don't think this way.

Darth Rachel said...

i agree. why should we care if these "celebs" are married or not? its not as if we will ever date them is it? i mean unless youre brad pitt borwsing the celebrity myspace hot chick finder getter.. its not like youre going to ever get to call Grace Park and say "leave your husband baby, you know you love me"

people are indeed... freaks.

ps: in response to your comment on my blog. i actually saw a giant jesus in a lake in ohio. so.. i guess it was declaritive. i have a picture, just havent uploaded it yet.